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Month: October 2024
After back-to-back road losses against two of the Big Ten’s best teams, the Huskers return home Saturday to face UCLA.…
Nebraska faces UCLA this week with bowl eligibility on the line, and let’s just say the Huskers are ready to…
Nebraska welcomes UCLA to Lincoln on Saturday. The Huskers are playing to become bowl eligible for the first time in…
If Nebraska beats UCLA, momentum could swing them in being able to win out. If the Huskers lose, this could…
The Nebraska Cornhuskers and the UCLA Bruins are set to play each other for the first time since the 2016…
With the UCLA game this Saturday firmly on people’s mind, a huge recruiting weekend should not pass unnoticed. To start…
If you had told me Nebraska would have the lead in the 4th quarter against Ohio State on Saturday, I…
There may be no truth to a moral victory, but if there ever was, the Huskers got one against the…
Where Are They Now? Matt Slauson Matt Slauson: The Man Behind the Eye Black Imagine growing up in a small…
Fan of the Week! Our Fan of the Week is Lou Domenge. He has flown all over the country to…