Saturday morning Matt Rhule had his offseason press conference. It’s the first time he has met with the media since the Pinstripe Bowl. Questions were abundant and Rhule addressed several topics, including the continued search for a special team coordinator, the spring game, or the lack thereof, and working toward the 105-man roster.
Let me start by saying, since Rhule’s arrival I have fully bought in to his message and vision for Nebraska. I’ve said it multiple times, he is the right guy for the Nebraska job. That hasn’t changed. But I found Saturday’s press conference a mixed bag of contradictions and was left with an uneasiness that I haven’t experienced under Rhule.
To start with, the search for a special teams coordinator is ongoing. I don’t find this particularly alarming because my feeling is Rhule is waiting for the NFL season to get over with. The hire? I’ll put my money on Philadelphia Eagles special teams assistant Tyler Brown. Brown has experience at both the collegiate and NFL levels. He also was mentored by his father Randy Brown. The elder Brown has over 30 years of experience as a kicking consultant in both the NFL and college. He is currently the special teams coach for the Baltimore Ravens. The younger Brown also holds that wild card that makes him a Rhule candidate. He was a special teams consultant under Rhule at Temple from 2014-15. I could be wrong, but my feeling is if it was going to be someone like Mike Ekler, it would have already happened.
The comment Rhule made that does bother me is that he placed a large portion of the poor special teams play on the long snapper. Saying that the snap was the core piece of special team play, and if the core piece fails, then the timing is thrown off on the entire play. I won’t argue with that statement. However, the snap does not play a role in kickoff returns, kickoff coverage, or punt returns. Nebraska was dismal across the board, the problem was more than snapping. Rhule also commented that the talent level of his players has improved. But the problem is bigger than snaps and talent. It’s attitude, scheme, and coaching. Whoever the new coach is, he’ll need to have a burning fire and bring a different mentality to special teams play.
Rhule also addressed the spring game, saying that there would not be a spring game or scrimmage on April 26th. He wasn’t sure what it was going to be but implied it may be nothing more than open practice. His first excuse for not having a spring game was injuries, stating that last season Demetrius Bell and Blye Hill were lost for the season to injuries. I do not see this as a legitimate reason for not having at the very least a full contact scrimmage. Players were lost throughout the season. There was a season ending injury during the NIL Big Red Preview. Teddy Prochazka and Turner Corcoran were lost for the season during practice. Injuries can happen any time whether it’s a spring game, practice or a game. They happen, its football, you can’t schedule to prevent them. Rhule also mentioned players being compensated and making an investment. That is just the cost of doing business, it’s the NIL. You’ll eventually lose a highly paid guy early in the season to injury, it’s bound to happen. Wrap your mind around it.
Rhule’s second reason for not having an actual game was that Nebraska’s spring game was the most watched spring game on television. He doesn’t want to showcase his players before the portal opens, allowing other teams to evaluate and pursue Nebraska’s players. I understand where he’s coming from, but I don’t like that statement at all. It sounds like he’s running scared. I’ll back saying that by pointing out Rhule said wide receiver Roman Mangini would make the 105-man roster whether he was a starter or not. Why? Because he brings something extra to the team, he’s the kind of player who brings a culture you must have. In saying that, isn’t that what you want from all your players? Kids who want to be here, to represent Nebraska, to wear the helmet with the ‘N’ and wear it with passion. Rhule said he could stand a lot of different things, but the one thing he couldn’t stomach was someone who wasn’t grateful. It makes me think Rhule is nervous, perhaps not everyone he’s brought in is as grateful to be at Nebraska as they should be.
It’s obvious Nebraska’s culture, tradition, facilities, coaching, and potential of being something special didn’t prevent Dante Dowdell from moving on. Money was the difference. And if you want Roman Mangini’s on your team, then you don’t need the guys who are chasing jingles. If they get better offers, let them go. They weren’t the guys you thought they were or wanted on your team to start with. Don’t let the portal change who you are as a coach.
Rhule also mentioned one of the keys to success was going to be developing the offensive line through recruiting. The occasional addition through the portal was fine, but it isn’t the answer. He also suggested there would be intense competition on making the 105-man roster. So, explain to me how you can talk about how vital the extra bowl practices were, how important competition is, and then belittle the spring game. Isn’t that the time when the young guys see an opportunity to bring attention to themselves, to take the next step. Not having a spring game or full contact scrimmage is denying players the opportunity to set themselves apart.
Then Rhule went on to talk about not forecasting the win loss record or forecasting who the starters might be on the offensive line. But isn’t that exactly what he is doing when worrying about other schools stealing players. It’s just a guess, paranoia. Rhule needs to stop worrying about what could be and run towards greatness. The spring game has always been more than just practice. It means something to both fans and players. It’s also something that would benefit his new staff.
So, let’s be realistic. Rhule realizes he has more talent on this team than he has had since arriving at Nebraska. But this team is nowhere near as talented as the Ohio State team that just won the national championship. What is Rhule going to do when and if he reaches that plateau? His players will be targeted far more than they are now. Not having a spring game or at the very least a full contact scrimmage isn’t the answer. And while Nebraska won’t be having a spring game, Rhule stated that they still needed to get better, that contact will be needed to be good. He can at the very least make a scrimmage happen. There are ways to limit snap counts and hide the guys you don’t want seen. You currently have 126 players on the roster. Let’s say there are 26 you want to hide, what about the other 100. Do they not need the opportunity for additional work. To get better through game like scenarios.
I’d like to see Rhule get this figured out because the portal isn’t going away anytime soon. The spring game has been a big part of Nebraska football, it was another reason we could all say, “There is no place like Nebraska.” But every time something like the spring game is lost, that becomes harder and harder to say.
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