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Browsing: Dana Holgorsen
Matt Rhule returned to college football at a tumultuous time. To say everything was upside down would be an understatement.…
Nebraska is expected to hire current Kentucky wide receivers coach Danikiel Shorts. He was a wideout for Holgorsen at West…
On a day of coaching and player departures from Lincoln, Dana Holgorsen agrees to a two-year contract to remain as…
Nebraska at Iowa. Rivalry week. Huskers are playing to increase its bowl resume. And to add, it will be brutally…
Nebraska is bowl-eligible. Husker Nation, you all deserve this. A memorable day in Lincoln. A shed of a tear for…
I said last week that the numbers said USC would get a win over Nebraska. I also said the numbers…
Nebraska found another way to lose a close game. It appears that the football Gods don’t want to see the…
Nebraska at USC: the game of the unknown. With the addition of new offensive coordinator Dana Holgorsen and USC changing…
Nebraska head coach Matt Rhule announced that former West Virginia and Houston head coach Dana Holgorsen will now be calling…
Will Dana Holgorsen and Veteran Phil Snow Bring a Boost? Use Caution Rhule
With bowl eligibility in sight, Nebraska is enhancing its coaching staff in subtle but potentially powerful ways. Dana Holgorsen, an…