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Browsing: Nebraska Football | GBR | Huskers | BIG 10 | Blackshirts | Blackshirt Venom
After Indiana, Matt Rhule suggested a loss is a loss, whether by 49 points or by 1 point. I didn’t…
You often hear people ask, “What did the numbers say?” Sometimes the numbers are right, and sometimes they aren’t. The…
Last Saturday was a tough day for Nebraska football. It’s been a while since we witnessed our Huskers take a…
The name you hear over and over, Curt Cignetti. In his introductory press conference as head coach, he announced with…
Nebraska got another win. This time against Rutgers. It was ugly. There are people out there that don’t like hearing…
Greg Schiano, who is in his second stint as head coach at Rutgers, is known for his no-nonsense approach and…
Nebraska played two halves of football against Purdue Saturday, both literally and figuratively. The first half was reminiscent of the…
Nebraska didn’t get it done, more than that, they didn’t show up. This team, this staff and us as fans,…
Friday night, Memorial Stadium, Lincoln Nebraska, two teams in the BIG 10 conference will meet to determine who is for…
I’m excited to say Nebraska is 3-0 to start the season. But not all fans thought they would be 3-0.…