The Cornhusker staff is fired up about the new hire at AD. The fans seem to be unsure of who he is. But one thing is for sure, the impact he has already had on college athletics is immense. On Wednesday the University announced its surprise hire of now former Washington Huskies Athletic Director Troy Dannen. Seemingly four factors played into the new AD coming to Nebraska.

Getting back to the midwest, Dannen and his wife are originally from Iowa and the move back closer to home seemed fitting for the new AD and his family. Monetary stability among the University. The University of Washington has seen some fiscal insecurities in comparison to Nebraska over the past few decades. Due to the fact that Nebraska has amazing support from its donors, Alumni, and fans its financial support seems strong and evergrowing. In this NIL era, that is a major concern for leaders. Branding undoubtedly played a major role in the hiring away of Dannen as well. No matter where you may travel across this beautiful country, the block “N” is unmistakable. Feared, loved or hated. A vast majority of those that follow college sports even on the smallest level, not only know who it represents but have a story to go with it. That is something that is currently not present at the University of Washington even with their recent successes. The final factor undoubtedly is the rise of Husker athletics in totality. From Rhule and staff changing culture and bringing hope to Husker fans, to both men and womens basketball making the NCAA tournament (1st time in a decade). Even wrestling and husker baseball seem to be picking up steam while volleyball continues its dominance. Overall the University of Nebraska is one of the most well rounded schools athletically in the country, and bringing Dannen on board seems to be a step forward.

Progressing into this new age of college athletics is something that will require a steady hand, a hair trigger and vast audacity. Dannen has served on the NCAA Division 1 Transformation Committee and the Football Oversight Committee giving him insight and expertise in the field. The Transformation Committee was tasked with “Building the future of College athletics”. On this committee Dannen was given the job of “identifying opportunities to modernize college sports and recommend forward looking changes for consideration by the NCAA”. This is going to be extremely useful as over the next few years the college football landscape is going to continue to change dramatically and now we have an individual with experience in the field.

New Husker AD Dannen is known as a “football guy”. Earning that title everywhere he has been. Looking at his previous jobs at Northern Iowa, Tulane and Washington all of those schools do have one thing in common and that is a meteoric rise in the football programs under his advisory. Football is not his only focus though. For instance from 2015-2023, under Dannen’s guidance Tulane racked up 21 conference championships and 41 post season appearances across all sports.

A proven commodity and a swing for the fences that I didn’t see coming. Hiring away a current Big 10 Athletic Director from a school in which was just in the College Football Playoffs seemed a bit of a stretch, but Nebraska made it happen. This is a hire in which I am fully confident in and as Husker Nation I think we will all look at it as a step towards securing Nebraska as an elite college athletics program.



Jeff Duda is a CEO in the music industry and a lifelong Husker fan. Playing football for a majority of the first half of his life. From college football to Arena Football as well as being invited to NFL and CFL tryouts, he has thoroughly immersed himself in the college football community. With a passion for the Nebraska Cornhuskers and a love for the non-stop modern college football landscape, he hopes to take you on this journey with him through ups and downs that come with being a Husker fan.
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